24/7 Free Roadside Assistance Service

24/7 Free Roadside Assistance Service

Drive with confidence!
Call: 0120-998-533(Toll-free)
Or 03-6672-4202 (Caller-paid)

  • The policyholder must contact the designated roadside assistance service call-center in order to arrange service

Eligible Vehicle: All vehicles with active policy, except 2 wheelers, Mopeds and Buses.

Service Support Network

Over 8,000 networked roadside assistance providers

Direct Assistance Hotline

24/7 Roadside assistance service call center
English speaking staff: No 3rd party interpreters!

Towing and Repair Service

Unlimited distance *1
Unlimited use

Repair Services Offered

Unlocking of car doors
(Trunk unlocking will be charged to the policyholder)

Battery jump/engine start assist

Fuel delivery service
(Limited to 10 liters per occurrence, limited to 1 time per 1 year period. Additional occurrences will be charged to the policy holder)

Tire change in the event of a puncture
(using the policyholder’s spare tire)

Vehicle Recovery*2
Retrieval of the vehicle in the case of one wheel is stuck, for example, in a ditch or the like)

Other Services
Other small repairs/actions*3 (To include fluid top-off, changing of fuses, etc.) which can be completed in 30 minutes or less may be free of charge.

  1. To location of your choice: 100km
  2. If the recovery requires a crane or similar system, the policyholder will be charged. If the recovery work requires more than 30 minutes in any case, the policyholder will be charged. If more than one wheel requires recovery, the policyholder will be charged.
  3. Policyholder will be charged for materials/parts cost.

There are some situations in which service cannot be provided, for more detail see here
The service details are current as of January 1, 2019.
The service is provided by an our-contracted roadside assistance provider. The contents of the service are subject to change without prior notice.